Ways to nullify Leadership: Co-Dependency

Anything worth doing is worth doing with others. One of the great privileges in life is leading others. Teamwork makes the dream work, right? However, if left unchecked, this value can be a coverup for co-dependent relationships.

In other words, if you want to nullify leadership, become co-dependent. How do you know if you are codependent? Here are some examples worth evaluating:

  • Using loyalty as an excuse for in-action.

  • Taking responsibility for someone else’s dysfunction.

You ever wondered how people that have a seemingly dysfunctional relationship remain together? A person can express contempt for the person they are in relationship with, but remain. Why? Soren Kierkegaard gives an astute observation - expressing contempt is still a demonstration of dependence.

You see how that works? Don’t be the leader that talks negatively about those under your leadership. It might not be evidence that you’re better. It might be evidence that you’re co-dependent.