2020: I See A Problem.

The United States is divided. The irony.
Elections have a way of revealing the division that exists in our country. I don’t believe politics create division, any more than money creates selfishness. They reveal what’s in the heart. Politics don’t divide, it provides an opportunity to show the very real differences people have. Differences that should be embraced, but that’s not really the point here.

I see a problem. I hear many people calling for unity in our nation. Even some church leaders (I’m a church leader, for the record) are calling for unity because of the racial, political and philosophical division that are glaringly obvious. But, I see a problem. People have a way of overestimating their ability, while underestimating problems. The division that exists in our country (and churches) are more like fractured fault lines in stone, rather than drawn out lines in sand. This just won’t wash away.

The only thing worse than division, is the denial of division. As much as we’d like to, we can’t wish 2020 away. In fact, many thought this year would bring 2020 vision. It did - but not how we expected. I see a problem.

This year has been the great revealer. Some relationships won’t be the same. Some issues are now too big for the rug they’ve been under. That’s actually not a bad thing. We need this reality check. Division is a reality - the Apostle Paul thought as much and I believe him (1 Corinthians 11:18-19). Unless people agree on the major things, minor things will always divide. Unless we have shared history and shared language, there won’t be true comm-unity.

I see a problem. But, I also see a better way..do you?