The Two Step Of Faith

We are all growing in faith. In my growth personally, I realize there are typically two aspects of faith (I am speaking in general terms for the sake of breadth). There is the initial conviction of faith, then the action to move based on conviction. After the conviction of faith, there is a season of living in the tension of faith - that middle ground between what is hoped for and receiving what is hoped for.

It takes faith for the initial step but it also takes faith to persevere and endure until you receive what you have hoped for. Along the way, there will be opportunities to give up, question if you’ve made the right decision, etc. 

It takes faith to move you, but it also takes faith to keep you moving.

Faith doesn’t end after you act on carries you over the finish line, and sustains you through the highs and lows of the journey. Faith is a gift. Faith is precious.